Google Admits Glitch Sent People’s Videos to Strangers

Google Admits Glitch Sent People’s Videos to Strangers

Google has apologised once finding a bug that meant some people’s personal videos were shared with others by mistake.

The bug affected Google Takeout, that allows Google Photo users to export the content of their accounts, for four days, between 21st November and 25th November last year.

Google said people who used it’s going to have either received associate degree incomplete archive, or some videos that weren’t theirs.

It declined to mention what percentage accounts were concerned.

The issue solely affected video, not photos or other information.

“We mounted the underlying issue associate degreed have conducted an in-depth analysis to assist stop this from ever happening once more. we tend to are terribly sorry this happened,” the firm aforesaid in a very statement.

In its notification to those affected, Google recommends deleting the info export and carrying it out once more.

“It is incredibly worrying that people could receive your personal videos with all the implications for your privacy and presumably safety and people of others,” commented Pat Walshe, decision-maker of Privacy Matters.

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Anurag is a lifelong technology enthusiast who spends most of his time trying to figure out connections between social media, human behaviour, and cyberculture. He writes technology-based news on My Office Hub. Reach him on

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