Anil Ambani appeared before the Enforcement Directorate (ED) in Mumbai on Thursday morning in connection with a money-laundering probe against YES Bank and its promoter Rana Kapoor and others, according to Money Control news.
The central agency had issued a summons to 60-year-old businessman under the Prevention of Money Laundering Act (PMLA). As per charges, Ambani’s group companies took loans value of Rs 12,800 crore from the cash-strapped bank.
In a media statement, the Anil Dhirubhai Ambani Group (ADAG) said that Ambani met officials of the Enforcement Directorate (ED) to clarify the group’s position with respect to its exposure to Yes Bank.
As per the press statement, Ambani told ED officials that all transactions between ADAG and Yes Bank are in compliance with the law and financial regulations. He added that the group neither has any direct or indirect exposure to Rana Kapoor, his wife, and his daughters nor is it exposed to any entities controlled by them.
He recapitulated the group’s commitment to honour the reimbursement obligations of all its borrowings from Yes Bank through asset monetisation programmes, adding that the ADAG will continue to extend full support and cooperation to all or any authorities.